Sunday, April 29, 2012

MKA Lacrosse Schedule for week of 4/30

First of all, a thank you from our players and coaches to all who contributed to a wonderful Senior Day on Saturday.
The decorations, tailgate, and enthusiastic attendance really made for a great experience for our Seniors and their families. Special thanks to the Kingsley's and thier guests. Tailgate Pro's!!
Thank you all.

Secondly, be aware that the parking at St. Peters Prep is difficult. I went there to scout on Saturday morning and drove around for about 20 minutes before I found a spot. Please allow ample time, and you may want to consider some car pooling if you're planning to attend.

Third, as we enter tournament time, our schedule becomes more unpredictable. Games are not determined until after seeding meetings, and sometimes moved to avoid conflicts, etc. This week our only scheduled game is on Wednesday vs. St. Peters Prep. The Essex County tournament will be seeded Wednesday night and we may have a game on Saturday. We also may move our Prep game from Monday to Sunday depending on what schedule comes out of the counties. All up in the air at this point, but to be determined during the course of the week. I ask for you understanding and flexibility.

Monday Apr 30, 2012 Practice 4pm - 6pm Van Brunt

Tuesday May 1, 2012 Practice 4pm - 6pm Munster

Wednesday May 2, 2012 Game vs. St. Peters Prep 4pm - 7pm Away

Thursday May 3, 2012 Practice 3:15pm - 5:15pm Van Brunt

Friday May 4, 2012 Practice 4pm - 6pm Van Brunt

Saturday May 5, 2012 Possible ECT Game TBD TBD

Sunday May 6, 2012 Possible Prep B Game TBD Van Brunt

Paul Edwards
Head Coach Boys' Varsity Lacrosse
The Montclair Kimberley Academy