Thursday, March 22, 2012

MKA Lacrosse Reminders

1. Face-Off Dinner
Hope to see you all at the Face-Off Dinner!
Friday, March 23rd at 6pm
Home of Moose Walsh
66 Gordon Road, Essex Fells
All are welcome.

If you haven't already, please send us a quick RSVP to, if you are planning to attend.

2. Scrimmage at Christian Brothers Academy on Saturday, March 24th Bus leaves at 7:45 am SHARP!

Enjoy Friday as a day off!

3. Big City Classic
We need the headcount ASAP for the Big City Classic!
Tickets need to be ordered on Monday, March 26th.
As a reminder, the MKA Boys Lacrosse team has traditionally gone to watch top college teams play at the Big City Classic every year at the start of the lacrosse season.

Date: Sunday, April 1st
Place: Met Land Stadium (former Meadowlands)
Time: 1:00 Notre Dame vs St. John's
4:00 Duke vs Syracuse
6:30 UNC vs Johns Hopkins
Special Note, Coach Edwards is a Hopkins Lacrosse alum!

Please bring $25 per ticket for each player or family member that will attend to the dinner on Friday.
Checks can be made out to Teri Karole.
Tickets are $25 per person
All (players, coaches, parents, families and friends) are welcome!

4. Snack Contribution
We are still hoping to collect from several families.
If you would like to contribute to the snack, drink and coaches' gift fund, we are suggesting a $100 contribution.

Please get a check made out to MKA, as soon as possible.
Thanks for your Support!!