MKA Upper School Lacrosse Players and Families:
Beginning Dec 2, we will play lacrosse indoors as a team at Turf City in Wayne NJ as we have in prior years. All upper school lacrosse players are invited to sign up and participate in this interscholastic lacrosse league on Sundays for 10 weekends. This is not mandatory but is a great time for kids to meet new and returning players, brush up on stick skills, and work off a little testosterone. The surface is a turfed indoor hockey rink which plays 6 on 6. John Fennelly and I will run the players through and keep the bench organized. This is strictly games and not practice time. MKA is the defending champion of the 2011-12 winter league.
Every player is required to be a member of US Lacrosse for insurance reasons and submit an individual player registration form.
See the Registration box on the website below for details but please send the completed forms to us so they can be submitted as a group to Courtney Turco to get a discount. US Lacrosse registration is online for those not members already. The cost is $300 per person for the 11 sessions which covers facilities, referees and pinnies. The checks should be made out to Jonathan Strain.
Jonathan Strain
80 Clinton Ave
Montclair NJ 07042
For Forms go to:
Tentative Dates are below and we expect games to be between 3 and 7pm lasting for about 1 hour:
Vacation weeks
Co Cougars!!
Jon Strain and John Fennelly